Beaches and Look-outs

The Town of Logy Bay – Middle Cove – Outer Cove has an abundance of amazing coastlines vistas. Our community borders the Atlantic Ocean on the Avalon Peninsula and is dotted with spectacular views, beaches and outdoor adventures.
Middle Cove Beach
Middle Cove Beach is a very popular destination for residents and visitors. It contains ample parking and consists of a beautiful beach for children to play and for the annual capelin run. At night many a campfire burns as the waves roll in the background. Admission is Free but the Town asks that when using the beach please clean up all garbage whether used at day or night to keep it pristine for many years to come.
Outer Cove Beach
Outer Cove Beach is another beach located within the Town which residents and tourists use for fishing during the season and campfires at night. Admission is free but the Town asks that when using the beach please clean up all garbage whether used at day or night to keep it pristine for many years to come.
The Town has two lookouts, one located just up from Outer Cove Beach overlooking Outer Cove and the other a minute drive down past the War Memorial overlooking Middle Cove. Why not when out for a drive stop by these areas and have a snack and enjoy the beauty of these sites. Please deposit any refuse into the receptacles located onsite.